Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas Blah

Is it just me or do others get depressed by Christmas decorations. I went shopping and it was all push and shove, no one seemed happy. Half didnt even sem to notice what they were shoving in there trollies. Children whinging and greedy. The windows were full of plastic decorations, it all seems so fake. I hate this time of year (sigh) & the Christmas rush hasnt even started.


Charli Henley said...

Hi Jessica! Your post kind of makes me chuckle tonight... I put up my Christmas tree today! With lights and ornaments and all. I even hung some mistletoe! And it is all making me very happy.

But for a lot of people I know, the holidays are stressful. Money, time, expectations...

I'm spreading the cheer, though!

Jessica the Minx said...

Good on ya girl!, I love people who can get into the spirit and I know I will soon. Will probably help if I stay out of the stores and work on my own little space of christmas cheer...:)

You sound like a little Christmas angel spreading the cheer...keep it up...x

Linda S. Socha said...

This time of the year can be tought to get into I think. I confess, this photo made me want to go and get decorations out!

Shadow said...

how i agree... first it's the rush to buy, buy, buy, then after christmas it's the return, swop out, whatever. not really much fun. although at home, i love my decorations. i try to transport myself back into my childhood dreams of christmas....

Jessica the Minx said...

I love this pic Linda, Ialways wanted to have a perfectly co-ordinated tree, but it always look like it fell out of the left over bin... I do like my original look now...

Jessica the Minx said...

Its our own fault Shadow for leaving it to the last months...if I was more organised Id have pressies bought and wrapped by now... well there is always next year...

jiggins said...

Christmas can be stressful.. I try to keep it always in the back of my mind all year - as with a few other things - birthdays and other special days and such. This lessens the distress when it comes time to plan a bit. The decorations are always great to see... but it does become difficult when you are trying to enjoy yourself and people are rushing around you in a mad frenzy! Stay cheerful! We'll all get through it together!

Jessica the Minx said...

Hi Jiggins

Thanks for the support... and your right on the planning, not my forte Im afraid but im learning it should be :)

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