Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Letter To The Dead

I am not the sum of who you think I am, I am myself and I am stronger than you give me credit for. Are you afraid? If one lives by the sword, one dies by it and I have the luxury of time on my side. I will wait, I will watch you cripple yourself with doubt, with mistrust, I will watch you bleed on the sword.

You picked the wrong angel to take on, did you think I would just shrug off your treatment. You are tainted, poisoned by the way you treat people. Did you not take into account that they now want your blood, that the have little to lose. You gave it your best but I am still here, still watching, still recording every miserable minute of your existence. Don't relax my once friend, it has taken ten years, I can wait another.


Anonymous said...

I love it when you get on a creative writing roll Jess...I did a post on journals and creative writing on the Self Harm site today. Great to see it in practice... :)

Jessica the Minx said...

Oh I was just having a bit of a mood Abbey... lol

Jessica the Minx said...

Oh I was just having a bit of a mood Abbey... lol