Monday, November 10, 2008


Just back from lunch, nothing extraordinary, meat pie on a park bench. Loves like a pie I think, hot, flaky with such promise. Comfortable, familiar but somehow always disappointing.

The filling never lives up to the package or how you imagine it will be. Pies are cheap and quick, so maybe it is not fair to compare a pie to love. Perhaps to a casual affair, rich and bad for you. A guilty secret from your friends. Usually too hot and burns your mouth. Hidden. Everyone knows pies are bad, but every body eats them.

Convienience foods, are affairs convenient? yes they probably are, they require no commitment. I watch the pigeons and think if pies can be likened to adultry, then what is love, I didnt come up with an answer. I dont think I'll ever understand it.


MixMax said...

Very interesting comparison

big question that is on what is love! put 100 persons, men and women, all of them of the same age, and put the question before them: you will have 100 answers. If two agree on the same answer, after a minute one of them will say "no, I meant this and that". Love is so easy to define, as well as too difficult to put it into simple words.

Anonymous said...

I challenge you to read 1 Cor. 13 vs 4 onwards.

its all there.. but not easy to walk the walk.

love Tiffy

Anonymous said...
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Jessica the Minx said...

Smile, Max I dont know what love is but its not a I love you last sentence though

Jessica the Minx said...

Ahhh theres a challenge Tiffy, Ill check it soon

Jessica the Minx said...

Hi there Jesse..

I was thinking of you being a Psych student... I do know Abbey has a site devoted to Self Harm/Mental health, it has some great resources...

and yes you inspire me, I know how hard it is to study and manage a 'normal' life, it does require balance.

The mysteries of love I will leave to the Gods... ta for the kisses

Jessica the Minx said...

1 Corinthians 13:4

4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

You have given me words and concepts to ponder Tiffy

Anonymous said...

Mmmm food analogies... Love is like 'Fine Belgium Chocolate' Rich in emotion, smooth, special, savoured, appreciated

hows that

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

thanks for the kind words on my blog, and the picture of the pie is definitely taking....

as for the adultery in foods and affairs...? who knows.

The fun part is not falling into a place where it becomes morbid or boring, but of course that in itself might also be love. To take or not to take, to feel or not to feel, to pretend or not to pretend, to react or not to react, sometimes these glimpses can overwherlm a calm sunny afternoon, or a simple cloudy day with intrigue... :)

Do I really inspire you????

kisses baby