Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Its starting to get cold out, and its wet today but Im going to ride to work...Sitting here eating jam on toast, i bought a loaf you slice yourself so I cut off big slabs and now it wont fit in the toaster (sigh) so I put it under the griller & forgot it... alot of hassle for a peice of toast... I cooked 6 bits to get one good enough to eat and had to scrape that with a knife.

I really need a better job but at least I have one. My g/f rang, an hour before her interview she sliced her finger with a big kitchen knife and had to rush to emergency, which wouldn't of been a bother as she made the interview but then they asked her to Poor thing with index finger padded she kept missing keys. Her knickers didnt turn out that lucky...

Oh well, coffees made, I best get mobile...I only work till lunch today but then study all evening. I really do need a life ...Have a brilliant day people.


Jessica the Minx said...

Mornig Jesse, you got me just as i was going out the day, what a beautiful way to start my day...

How lucky we both are for inspiration... :)

Will check them now...x

david kramer said...

Burnt toast is not so bad...
have a great day . DK

Jessica the Minx said...

Burnt toast sucks David, I like toast thick, hot and dripping with butter and jam..lightly browned.. and if Im in the mood I will pour cream over it...

My day was pretty good, hope yours is going fine...:)

MixMax said...

At has been almost 12 hours since last post! are you still having breakfast?

Jessica the Minx said...

Are you keeping track of me actually Ive been studying hard and I was just thinking about getting some dinner :)

Unknown said...

Must have been the day for knife injuries lol

I would have had vegemite and cheese instead of jam myself, or honey, I love honey and real butter on slabs of white bread ... sigh, the memories

MixMax said...

NO, that was not the intention, I just thought it was funny to put that comment

Good luck with your study

Jessica the Minx said...

Sounds gorgeous Mountaingirl... but we do not have vegimite thank god!...

Jessica the Minx said...

It was funny and gave me a smile, it also made me realise I was studying too hard and needed a break :)

Anonymous said...

Well then, have a happy bike ride and just rest in this...

you inspire me... :)

kisses baby
have a good afternoon and red your e-mail darling....