Saturday, November 8, 2008

First Love

Love Question 26…

Do you think it’s healthy/unhealthy to marry the only person you have ever dated? Does it matter if a person marries their first love?

Remember, the whole thing is going to work completely the same, just in a different location. I would like to start the link love going again for this as well, so make sure you leave a link to your answer in the comments section and link to the sites featured with the questions.

If you do answer on your blog, please spread the link love and link to Aud from Short Sweet Love Poems who got the Love Questions going and to Abbey at Random Thoughts.

Don’t forget to leave me a link in the comments to your response.
Have fun!
I think it can be healthy to marry your childhood sweetheart. It would take respect, committment and the ability to allow each other to be themselves. I met my husband at 14 and though we didnt date he was my best friend. I left my hometown to see the world and returned at 22 & we dated and married. Though different people now, we have shared memories from childhood, shared experiences (good & bad) and a history that makes us stong, individually and together. So yes it is possible.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh but Minx, you lived life first then married...JM is talking about dating in high school and marrying them, not having been with others...but I agree its about personal growth

Jessica the Minx said...

I went back and had a read, yes you have it right Abbey... thanks for putting me on to JM, I love all things that do with love and passion...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering the question. :) I think relationships where one or both partners have gone out and seen the world have better chances.